107 South Story Road, Suite C, Irving, TX 75060
- 972-986-7255 -
Dr. Dagnan

I had a lady tell me today I have completely changed and
improved her quality of life. She was in tears and very
grateful. Of course, it made me cry too! I have only
adjusted her 4 times in the last month! She has been able to
play and swim with her grandchildren, cook for them, clean,
and energy for more! That's the power of chiropractic!
That's why I LOVE WHAT I DO!
Dr. Jennifer Dagnan
Yeppers......you're the BEST Chiropractor! Couldn't hardly
walk one day, and go see you. You fixed me up and I go horse
showing and win Champion! Thanks for helping me! This area
is a better place because you help so many of us in pain!
Missy O, Dallas, TX
I love my Chiropractor Jennifer about year ago I went to
visit could not stand up or take any pain meds , a friend
referred me ,she was the best and always makes me laugh also
I leave in no pain ... Thank you!
Lisa S, Dallas, TX
I suffered a horrible
cracking jaw while eating and chewing food. Even yawning
would make a horrible popping sound. I never brought it to
Dr. Jennifer’s attention, but after seeing her for
adjustments a few times, I noticed my jaw no longer pops. It
was from her axle and neck adjustments that corrected my TMJ
problems. Who would have thought? Thanks!
- Deanna
Brown, Dallas, TX
I fractured my sacrum and
couldn’t walk without excruciating pain. Immediately after
Dr. Jennifer adjusted me, I had relief from my pain. After
several other adjustments and added cold laser and
ultrasonic therapy. I was pain free and could pursue my
regular activities with no pain!
- Melissa K., Dallas,
I was unable to fall asleep for years — tossing and turning and
never able to “turn off my brain”. I tried every over the counter
and prescription sleep aid available, and still no help! Actually
everything would have the reverse effect and act as a stimulant.
Finally, I met Dr. Dagnan and she introduced me to a natural mineral
supplement called “Min Chex”. I take a few capsules at night before
bedtime and sleep like a baby! I’m not thinking of work, or
stressing about things that need to be done. I’m sleeping all night
and having wonderful dreams! Thanks, Dr. Dagnan!
-Charles O., Dallas, TX
107 South Story Road,
Suite C
Irving, TX 75060
Designed & Maintained
by -
Designs by Melissa
Phone: 972.986.7255